Lichtgedanken 05

Rubrik 4 F E AT U R E Made-to-measure medication 14 NANOPARTICLES WITH A LIGHT SWITCH Polymers can be used to safely package medicines. Chemists are developing polymer-based nanoparticles which release the active substances by light signal. 18 ACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN A TAILOR-MADE SUIT Interview with a materials scientist who is bringing together active substances and polymers to form an ideal pair does not even need a lab. 20 OPERATION ON THE OPEN EGG Pharmacists are using chicken eggs as a modelling system to test nanoparticles for their biocompatibility. This reportage takes the reader on a trip to a laboratory. 28 BRAIN ON FIRE Physicians have succeeded in explaining the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of a rare brain inflammation and are thus contributing to improved treatment. 30 WHY THE PAIN DOES NOT SUBSIDE A team of researchers has found out why certain painkillers may lose their effect. These findings can help developing better medicines. 32 PERSONALIZED MEDICINE Pharmacists have discovered why vitamin E does not have the same effect on everyone. In this interview, Prof. Dr Oliver Werz explains the possibilities and limitations of individual therapies.