Guide for new students - Summer 2024

11 ›Friedolin‹ is your online platform for course and examination management. The name stands for ›Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Online‹. You can visit the platform at: On the home page, the latest news on Friedolin-related topics is displayed on the right, while the central column—apart from the login area—also contains useful links. In the left column, you can find a navigation menu. In the navigation menu (light blue background), you will find a lot of useful information available without logging in. This includes the schedule of classes, the module descriptions, a search function for staff members or rooms, and a specific section listing key dates (›Dates‹). In the latter section, you can find out when you can sign up for courses online and the information on registration periods for examinations. To sign up for classes and examinations in Friedolin, you have to register first. To do so, please visit the Service Portal of Friedrich Schiller University Jena where you can find your login credentials after your first registration: Your login credentials consist of a username (a combination of letters and digits) and password. On the Service Portal, you need to accept the terms and conditions in order to be able to register. In addition, need to provide your name, including all first names, your date of birth, your matriculation number (six digits), and your PIN which you have received with your thoska card by Your University login credentials allow you to access the University computer pools and your email inbox ( You can also access the University Wi-Fi network, online library services, and your personal information in Friedolin. FRIEDOLIN ONLINE COURSE AND EXAMINATION MANAGEMENT