Guide for new students - Summer 2024

33 Prof. Dr. Georg Pohnert is the provisional head of the Executive Committee. The office of President will be filled this year. PRESIDENT The President represents the University. He is appointed to the post for six years and performs the following tasks: • The President oversees the ongoing business of the University. • He oversees the Dean’s Offices ensuring that teaching staff fulfil their teaching and examination obligations, and their tasks in supporting students adequately. • The President can also pass these powers of supervision and instruction on to the Deans. The following institutions are directly subordinate to the President: • International Office (IB) • Communications and Marketing • Thuringian State and University Library (ThULB) • University Archives • Collegium Europaeum Jenense (CEJ) • Music and Culture at the University EXECUTIVE BOARD • The President, Vice-Presidents and Kanzler (Head of Administration) form the Executive Board. • The Executive Board is appointed by the President from among the members of the University and confirmed by the Senate. • The President also has the power to cancel the mandate of Vice-Presidents in agreement with the University Supervisory Board. UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE MANAGEMENT, FACULTIES, ADMINISTRATION, BODIES